Aowanda Nature Center

  • Aowanda Nature Center
Aowanda Nature Center的位置

Located in the Aowanda National Forest Recreation Area, this area is dominated by river terraces, with many rivers converging here. Mountain-surrounded, with beautiful scenery in four seasons--“spring cherry blossoms, summer waterfalls, autumn moon, and winter maples,” it provides the best habitat for wide lives. Climbing the Aowanda Suspension Bridge will render visitors great view of the beautiful valleys and Nenggao South Peak, definitely the best place for sightseeing in the area.

Location No. 153, Da-an Rd., Cin-ai Village, Jenai Township, Nantou County 546, Taiwan R.O.C.
TEL +886-49-2974499
Fax +886-49-2974895
Facebook Aowanda Nature Center


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Visit counts:8027 Last updated on:2016-05-16