Forestry Statistics 2020(Yearbook)

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Distribution of the Taiwan Region Forest Area and Growing Stock in the Working Circles of National Forest pdf pdf File size:105KB Download count:300
Distribution of the Taiwan Region Forest Area of Division in the Working Circles of National Forest pdf pdf File size:103KB Download count:259
Distribution of the Taiwan Region Forest Growing Stock of Division in the Working Circles of National Forest pdf pdf File size:103KB Download count:270
Communal and Private Forest Area pdf pdf File size:99KB Download count:282
Protection Forest Area pdf pdf File size:104KB Download count:255
O/W Protection Forest Area pdf pdf File size:104KB Download count:283
Nursery pdf pdf File size:70KB Download count:273
Reforestation Nursery - By Tree Species pdf pdf File size:47KB Download count:274
Reforestation Nursery - By Agency pdf pdf File size:119KB Download count:261
Particular Plan Reforestation Nursery - By Agency pdf pdf File size:102KB Download count:267
Total Reforestation pdf pdf File size:101KB Download count:274
Reforestation - By Ownership pdf pdf File size:95KB Download count:281
Reforestation - By District pdf pdf File size:86KB Download count:267
Reforestation - By Tree Species pdf pdf File size:98KB Download count:265
Reforestation - By Use pdf pdf File size:104KB Download count:270
Reforestation - By Agency pdf pdf File size:63KB Download count:272
Reforestation - By Tree Species pdf pdf File size:105KB Download count:292
Reforestation - F.B.- by Forest District Office pdf pdf File size:43KB Download count:274
Reforestation - F.B.- by Tree Species pdf pdf File size:73KB Download count:275
Particular Plan Reforestation - By Agency pdf pdf File size:84KB Download count:282
Visit counts:959 Last updated on:2022-08-23