Bathe Under the Sun
Feel Nature's Vibes
Bathe Under the Sun Feel Nature's Vibes


Organizational Chart Details

Organizational Chart Details

The organizational chart of Forestry and Nature Conservation Agency, Ministry of Agriculture, Executive Yuan from top to bottom is:
  • One Director General, two Deputy Director Generals, one Chief Secretary
  • Main Office first class unit: 6 business units including Nature Conservation Planning Division, Nature Conservation Management Division, Forest Management Division, Forestry and Forest Industry Division, Forrest Recreation Division, Watershed Management Division, and 4 staff units including Secretariat, Personnel Office, Accounting Office, Civil Service Ethic Office. 
  • Main Office second class unit:
  1. Nature Conservation Planning Division: Conservation Planning Section, Forest Planning Section, Natural Resources Inventory Section, Information Management Section, Legal Affairs Section.
  2. Nature Conservation Management Division: Habitat Conservation Section, Community Conservation Section, Wildlife Conservation Section, Wildlife Management Section.
  3. Forest Management Division: Forestland Management Section, Forest Protection Section, Protection Forest Management Section, Public Affairs and Communication Section.
  4. Forestry and Forest Industry Division: Afforestation and Silviculture Section, Forest Products Utilization Section, Forestry Management and Production Services Section, Trees Protection Section.
  5. Forest Recreation Division: Recreation Development Section, Facilities Management Section, Railway Operations Section, Recreation Services Section.
  6. Watershed Management Division: Conservation Engineering Section, Forest Roads Maintenance Section, Engineering Management Section.
  7. Secretariat: General Affairs Section, Documentation and Evaluation Section.
  8. Personnel Office: Appointment and Dismissal Section, Performance Evaluation Section.
  9. Accounting Offic: Budgeting Section, Accounting Section.
  10. Civil Service Ethics Office

In addition, there are 8 affiliated Branches located in Hsinchu, Taichung, Nantou, Chiayi, Pingtung, Taitung, Hualien, Yilan, Aerial Survey and Remote Sensing Branch and Alishan Forest Railway and Cultural Heritage Office.









Aerial Survey and Remote Sensing Branch

Alishan Forest Railway and Cultural Heritage Office

Visit counts:11546 Last updated on:2024-01-05