Sediments are used for construction projects


Extreme weather has taken place in all parts of the world. Atmospheric scientists have also proven that the greenhouse effect is the source of the problem. Thus, many countries are making plans to adjust to it, and national governments have proposed action plans and policies. In conjunction with the central government’s energy-saving and carbon-reducing policies, the Forestry and Nature Conservation Agency adopts new perspectives of public engineering and introduces life cycle engineering (LCE). Not only the overall environment is taken into account. Sustainable approaches for environmental conservation, economic development, and social responsibility are all carefully considered. Finally, energy-saving and carbon-reduction are the cores of project assessment, planning, design, construction, maintenance, and management.

Less cement is being used in recent remediation projects at national forest land. Materials are drawn on site, and they are used properly. For instance, sediments are mixed with cement for post-disaster reconstruction, so as to save energy and reduce carbon emissions.

  • Remediation at Wanda River Watershed National Forest Land Remediation at Wanda River Watershed National Forest Land
  • Sediment control at Dishuikeng Sediment control at Dishuikeng
  • Slope enhancement at Compartment 54, mountainous Xiuguluan Slope enhancement at Compartment 54, mountainous Xiuguluan
  • Wild river remediation at Compartment 93, Qishan Wild river remediation at Compartment 93, Qishan
Visit counts:693 Last updated on:2021-11-04